Block plate bolts, transmission connections, starter, creeper modification
So I was missing the 2 block plate to bellhousing bolts. I recognized the size as being the same roughly as the 4 larger oil pan bolts. So I ran a tap through the hole because it's not threaded all the way through. I installed the speed sensor. The clip wouldn't sit right no matter which way I tried. I will have to go back to it another time. Connected the wires and since they are no longer in a split loom I ziptied them to the hold down locations. I installed the clutch cable and pried the clutch fork forward and inserted the cable end. I installed the dust cover. I installed the starter. Back to the creeper up grade. I cut some cheap 1 inch box and extended the inner bar about 1 inch and added a 4 inch long section on the outside. Need to get the hardware before I drill the holes. In the meantime I will just use cardboard.