wire harness done man!
Finished the repairs and wrapping the new dash harness. It was missing the trunk button which added. I also extended the brake level sender wires because I remember having to go back and do that from the last wire tuck. Now I am doing all the other items that are easier with the dash out. I ran the battery cables and the oil pressure line through the cruise control grommet. I'll fill it with silicone later but I also need to pass the fan delay button and tach signal through. I want it running and driving before I do those. I redid the coil wires so there was only 1 solder joint by opening up the connector pins and replacing the wires. i reinstalled the ecu harness and ecu. i reinstalled the blower box which was a bit of a pain. The insulation got in the way since it sunk after I did the heater core last time. Also the newly wrapped ecu harness was stiff so took 30 mins and slicing a hunk of insulation out to go it to line up. I...