shift handle experiments
I had an old wrench I had cut the end off for a past project and decided to make a shift lever adapter for my bakolite 33 Ford knob. Think I need to turn it 45° more. If I drop 2 washers into the receiver it should be right but I ran out of time today. I also have a black ball shift knob and the silver skull which I bought some threaded hardware to make them more sturdy and extend the lever. I swapped the Allen key for slotted set screws. I also want to mess around with the angle cause I currently have to reach for 1st. I am a fan of early hurst bent style levers and the 70s Mopar pistol grip as well. The shifter I have currently is a gen1 t5 Hurst shifter but it still has the plastic ball cup. There might be a brass one but for now it's not important. Another cheesy idea I had was going to pick up a cheap survival knife at a swap meet, drill some holes in the blade and try that, still with the Paracord wrap on a metal handle. Don't know if I could get the angle right and I...