Amp powered by pc power source project

A little side project I decided to do. A subbox for the garage. Basically I have a half dozen computer psu's laying around from old recycled computers. I also have an old subbox I built ages ago with a set of radioshack 10inch sub's in it and a little 125 watt pioneer amp. Honestly I never thought i would play with it again after it went into storage.
I connected the green psu wire to a black ground and it powered right on running 12.6v on all the yellow wires. I twisted all the black wires together and all the yellow wires for power. I jumped the control port on the amp to the 12v power and it works great. Needs some zip ties but it should make a nice little bass kick. I will run analog input to the amp until i can grab wire to rca adaptor plugs.  

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