Putting things back together, horn crash sensors and brackets

So I finished wrapping the crash sensors and the negative battery ground. I cleaned up the crash sensor brackets and decided I can always pop them out at a later time to strip and paint. Installed all 3 sensors and the horns.
You can see the green brackets I didn't paint. I can do it another day and I had already pulled the hardware 

I'll route the wires nicely when everything is on the frame.

You can see the fairly rusty horn bracket but it's not hard to get to and I can pull it and do that later.

I used the excel file and numbered nails to find my first set of bagged parts and it makes a huge difference.

Tomorrow I really want to tackle the differential. LMR has the guy spraying the gears with brake clean before cleaning out the bottom of the diff. An f150 forum says don't touch them other then to cover while cleaning the mating surface. Also I read somewhere to finger tighten all bolts and let the rtv tack before torquing the cover bolts in a star pattern. I'll probably give it 15 min to setup before final torque.

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